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Monday 24 December 2012

18 Under 30 Part 18: The Malt Whisky Yearbook

Phew!  Here we are, part 18 of our 18 Under 30.  It's been a long and (very boozy) winding road to some essential purchases this Christmas and we very much hope that you've had an opportunity to try some of the sensational liquids we've featured.

However our final part doesn't concern a liquid at all.  Nor is it edible in any way - unless you happen to be desperately hungry or are an extreme whisky fanatic. No, our final part is arguably the best whisky book out there:  The Malt Whisky Yearbook, which nips the ankles of the whisky world like an enthusiastic Jack Russell.  Packed with the most up to date facts on just about every malt distillery around the globe the Malt Whisky Yearbook is updated annually and has features written especially by some of the best whisky writers around (and one of them there Caskstrength chancers too...)

If you haven't already got a copy of this book and own more than three bottles of whisky in your cabinet, something is seriously wrong.  If you are beginning your journey into malt whisky this Christmas, have some book tokens (can you still get these??)  and fancy some engaging reading about whisky, then look no further.  You'll also have change from £15 quid to buy yourselves a Glencairn glass or two...

Speaking of which... If you have received some sensational liquid wares from Santa this Christmas but don't have any decent glassware, it's perhaps time to grab yourself a six-pack of a different kind.  Hell, you can even invite your mates over to finish off some of that whisky...

You can pick up the Malt Whisky Yearbook here:

And a Glencairn six pack here:

Right, without further ado, we'd like to wish all of you the most merry Christmas, wherever you are... (even those lucky ones who'll probably be on the beach, or eating a tasty barbecue with a dram of something very decent in hand... yes, that means you, Wim ;-) !!)

Happy holidays folks,
Joel & Neil x